Murder and Magic (Lord Darcy) (Volume 1) by Randall Garrett
Murder and Magic (Lord Darcy) (Volume 1) by Randall Garrett PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This Sidewise Award-winning series starring detective Lord Darcy and his sorcerer sidekick, Sean O Lochlainn, takes us into an alternate reality where Richard the Lionheart’s descendants rule the Anglo-French Empire and the laws of magic have developed in place of the laws of physics. Murder and Magic, comprised of the first four stories of the acclaimed Lord Darcy series, finds Lord Darcy solving murders using his wits, a keen eye for observation, and a few choice magic tricks. In “The Eyes Have it,” Lord Darcy must figure out who killed the taciturn playboy, the Count D’Evreux. In the political thriller “A Case of Identity,” Lord Darcy picks apart the disappearance of the Marquis of Cherbourg, especially mysterious considering the escalating cold war with Poland. Lord Darcy and Master Sean investigate a body coated in blue paint already occupying a coffin built for the late Duke of Kent in “The Muddle of the Woad.” Literary humor is at the heart of “In a Stretch of the Imagination,” where the head of an important publishing house commits suicide under suspicious circumstances.From reader reviews:
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