Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ Mallet Duets for the Student & Teacher, Bk 1: Sight-Reading Duets Playable on One Marimba

Mallet Duets for the Student & Teacher, Bk 1: Sight-Reading Duets Playable on One Marimba

Mallet Duets for the Student & Teacher, Bk 1: Sight-Reading Duets Playable on One Marimba

Mallet Duets for the Student & Teacher, Bk 1: Sight-Reading Duets Playable on One Marimba PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This unique collection of original sight-reading duets features a challenging teacher's part as well as a simplified student part. The teacher and student alternate playing the top line, enabling the student to become familiar with a wider range of the instrument without becoming accustomed to always playing one line or the other. Mallet Duets for the Student & Teacher is the ideal way to teach sight-reading!

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