Kamis, 12 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ Apple Training Series: Desktop and Portable Systems (3rd Edition) by Marc Asturias, Moira Gagen

Apple Training Series: Desktop and Portable Systems (3rd Edition) by Marc Asturias, Moira Gagen

Apple Training Series: Desktop and Portable Systems (3rd Edition)

Apple Training Series: Desktop and Portable Systems (3rd Edition) by Marc Asturias, Moira Gagen PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This authoritative, Apple-Certified training course is designed both for professionals who support Apple computers as well as Macintosh enthusiasts who want to upgrade, service, or troubleshoot their favorite systems. Fully revised, this third edition includes Apple's new models with Intel processors, the MacBook Pro, Mac mini, and iMac. Keyed to the learning objectives of the Apple Desktop Service and Apple Portable Service certification exams, this is the companion curriculum used in AppleCare Technician Training courses worldwide. The book starts out with basic computer theory and underlying technologies, then moves on to cover everything from networking to the nitty-gritty steps and diagrams for upgrading and troubleshooting six sample computer models.

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