Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ A New American Space Plan: by Travis Taylor, Ringleader of the Rocket City Rednecks by Travis Taylor, Stephanie Osborn

A New American Space Plan: by Travis Taylor, Ringleader of the Rocket City Rednecks by Travis Taylor, Stephanie Osborn

A New American Space Plan: by Travis Taylor, Ringleader of the Rocket City Rednecks

A New American Space Plan: by Travis Taylor, Ringleader of the Rocket City Rednecks by Travis Taylor, Stephanie Osborn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Popular science from the Rocket City Rednecks, as seen in multiple appearances on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and the National Geographic Channel’s hit series. An authorized spinoff of the popular television show: how America can return to space exploration and manned space flight, all delivered with the laidback attitude, gumption, and backyard science the Rocket City Redneck crew are known for on their breakout series.  Cover features Rocket City Rednecks cast with a backyard-made rocket.

Popular science from the Rocket City Rednecks, as seen in multiple appearances on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and in the National Geographic Channel’s hit series.

Meet the Rocket City Rednecks. They’re five “backwoods” guys from the rocket city: Huntsville, Alabama, home to NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and the birthplace of the U.S. space program. Sure, they love to shoot stuff and drink beer, and one of ’em lives in a trailer, but with a family tree full of NASA rocket scientists (not to mention their own PhDs and advanced degrees), they aim a little higher—like using homemade moonshine to fuel a rocket!

Now, in typical laidback style, Dr. Travis S. Taylor, leader of the crew, delivers the goods on how America can return to space exploration and manned space flight – and can probably do so with common items found in a typical redneck backyard. What’s needed is a good old “try anything” attitude, a bit of gumption, and the spectacularly entertaining backyard science that’s the Rocket City Redneck specialty.

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