Senin, 10 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ 1–2 Peter and Jude (Redesign): Sharing Christ's Sufferings (Preaching the Word) by David R. Helm

1–2 Peter and Jude (Redesign): Sharing Christ's Sufferings (Preaching the Word) by David R. Helm

1–2 Peter and Jude (Redesign): Sharing Christ's Sufferings (Preaching the Word)

1–2 Peter and Jude (Redesign): Sharing Christ's Sufferings (Preaching the Word) by David R. Helm PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In their letters, Peter and Jude directly address the hard realities that all Christians face—suffering, persecution, false teachers, and contradictory views of the gospel. Yet, even in the face of such challenges, Christians have nothing to fear in light of the sovereignty and grace of God.

In this exposition of 1–2 Peter and Jude, pastor David R. Helm explores these letters in depth, reminding us that present suffering precedes future glories for all who are in Christ. Pointing us to the only steadfast foundation for our faith, this meditative volume reminds us to look to God’s grace for the strength we need to contend for the faith and finish well in light of Christ’s return.

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