Partly to Mostly Funny: The Ultimate Weather Joke Book
Partly to Mostly Funny: The Ultimate Weather Joke Book PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A: The nearest isobar!
Q: What’s the difference between partly cloudy and partly sunny?
A: It’s never partly sunny at night!
Q: Do you know what they call people who believe in letting a smile be their umbrella?
A: Wet!
When rain falls on a wedding yet the day is clear everywhere else, or when unexpected sunshine makes a laughingstock out of a prediction of a stormy day, it is good to keep a sense of humor about the weather. Thankfully there are a wealth of weather jokes to tickle the funny bone of anyone who makes a hobby or career out of weather watching.
Partly to Mostly Funny revels in puns, wordplay, and cartoons that take a lighter look at weather, climate, and the life of a meteorologist. They will evoke lighthearted chuckles from professionals, cheering up those who must keep their eyes trained on sometimes darkening skies, and will delight the rest of us with the sillier side of weather.
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