Finite Element and Finite Difference Methods in Electromagnetic Scattering (Progress in Electromagnetics Research)
Finite Element and Finite Difference Methods in Electromagnetic Scattering (Progress in Electromagnetics Research) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This second volume in the Progress in Electromagnetic Research series examines recent advances in computational electromagnetics, with emphasis on scattering, as brought about by new formulations and algorithms which use finite element or finite difference techniques. Containing contributions by some of the world's leading experts, the papers thoroughly review and analyze this rapidly evolving area of computational electromagnetics. Covering topics ranging from the new finite-element based formulation for representing time-harmonic vector fields in 3-D inhomogeneous media using two coupled scalar potentials, to the consideration of conforming boundary elements and leap-frog time-marching in transient field problems involving corners and wedges in two and three dimensions, the volume will provide an indispensable reference source for practitioners and students of computational electromagnetics.From reader reviews:
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