Rabu, 09 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ Celtic Mandalas: 26 Inspiring Designs for Colouring and Meditation (Watkins Adult Coloring Pages) by Lisa Tenzin-Dolma

Celtic Mandalas: 26 Inspiring Designs for Colouring and Meditation (Watkins Adult Coloring Pages) by Lisa Tenzin-Dolma

Celtic Mandalas: 26 Inspiring Designs for Colouring and Meditation (Watkins Adult Coloring Pages)

Celtic Mandalas: 26 Inspiring Designs for Colouring and Meditation (Watkins Adult Coloring Pages) by Lisa Tenzin-Dolma PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Celtic designs and motifs provide wonderful insight into Celtic spirituality. This book aims to make the deeply spiritual symbolism of Celtic artwork more accessible and potentially life-enriching for you by presenting meaningful combinations of key Celtic patterns and motifs in 32 attractive and thought-provoking mandalas for you to colour in. A short introduction, illustrated in full-color, explains some of the fundamentals of Celtic symbolism. This not only gives you deeper insight into ancient Celtic ways but will also help you to get the most from the guided meditations given with the mandalas themselves. The designs include the Endless Knot, the Salmon of Wisdom, the Tree of Life and the Seven Spirals. At the back of the book is a visual directory of Celtic iconography in full color.

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