Minggu, 26 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Chasing Paradise: Donald Trump and the Battle for the World's Greatest Golf Course by David Ewen

Chasing Paradise: Donald Trump and the Battle for the World's Greatest Golf Course by David Ewen

Chasing Paradise: Donald Trump and the Battle for the World's Greatest Golf Course

Chasing Paradise: Donald Trump and the Battle for the World's Greatest Golf Course by David Ewen PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Golfers spend their lives chasing the perfect shot. Donald Trump chased the perfect course. The American tycoon scoured the planet for a site. When he settled on a secluded but dramatic corner of Scotland - his ancestral home and the place the game originated - it seemed like a 'tap in'. No one could have foreseen the extraordinary saga that would unfold - one that started with an argument about sand and led to an attempt to bring down a government; that raised profound questions about our relationship with the planet and the power of celebrity; and that forced a reticent people to fight for their own dreams. This is the story of the world's most charismatic billionaire and his quest to create paradise.

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